Political malice in the time of coronavirus

While schools, colleges, examinations, business meetings, social and cultural gatherings are cancelled or postponed, the horse-trading of MLAs continues in Madhya Pradesh. While the medical practitioners and sanitation workers are courageously battling to prevent the outbreak of the coronavirus, a recently retired Chief Justice of India took his oath as a Rajya Sabha member.

.In the time of corona, it is business as usual for the political class in India. While schools, colleges, examinations, business meetings, social and cultural gatherings are cancelled or postponed, the horse-trading of MLAs continues in Madhya Pradesh. While the medical practitioners and sanitation workers are courageously battling to prevent the outbreak of the coronavirus, a recently retired Chief Justice of India took his oath as a Rajya Sabha member. Mr Ranjan Gogoi’s nomination to the upper house and the floor-crossing of elected representatives in Madhya Pradesh should have created more of an uproar, debate, and discussion, but for the media’s focus on the coronavirus.

Parimal Maya Sudhakar
20th  March 2020


Read this article published in Asiaville on 20th March 2020

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