Invisible Hand in Anna Movement

The sequence of events since the Anna Hazare movement suggests a conspiratorial political roadmap. Was a movement spearheaded by India against Corruption during the UPA-II period created by the RSS? Were Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal propped up by the Hindutva mother-body? These are not new questions and the RSS itself would perhaps not fight …

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Conflating the freedom movement and the temple agitation

The freedom movement for Indian independence and a free India stood against the mighty British Empire and sounded the death knell for colonialism across the world. By comparing it to an agitation to build the Ram temple, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has devalued the freedom struggle. Mani Shankar Aiyar has asked of Congress leaders, “……rather …

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असे कसे नेहरु? जसे-तसे मोदी!

नरेंद्र मोदी यांचे चीन धोरण पूर्णपणे भारताच्या अंगलट आले आहे. पंडीत नेहरूंना आलेल्या अनुभवानंतर प्रत्येकच भारतीय पंतप्रधानांनी फुंकर मारत ताक प्यायले आहे. याला अपवाद ठरले मोदी! परिणामी आज भारतापुढे दोन नवी मोठी आव्हाने उभी ठाकली आहेत. एप्रिल २०२० पासून भारत व चीन दरम्यान प्रत्यक्ष नियंत्रण रेषेवर वाढत असलेल्या तणावाचे रुपांतर १५-१६ जुन रोजी प्रत्यक्ष संघर्षात …

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Congress and Gandhi Family: Bogey of Hopes

In Goa, Manipur, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh, former Congress party stalwarts such as Himanta Biswa Sarma, Scindia and Pilot are the symptoms of a fatal disease. The cause of the disease must be treated immediately and effectively. There are many Manishankar Aiyyars in the Congress party who have unlimited faith in the indispensability article of …

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Enrica Lexie Case: An Art of Capitulation

The Union government and the main ruling party at the centre have much to explain regarding the Italian marines case. At the most fundamental level, the Bharatiya Janata Party must answer what its position would be if it were in the opposition today. Would it have accepted any other government’s decision to take the case …

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