
India on Gilgit-Baltistan: Posturing without Policy?

There is nothing about India’s policy on Jammu and Kashmir that would encourage anyone living in PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan to hope that New Delhi may offer them better terms than Pakistan does. 3 years and 9 months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reference to the ‘freedom struggle’ in Baluchistan from the rampart of the Red …

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An Open Letter to the RSS Sarsanghchalak

Since your organisation is very proud of the moral training that is being imparted to its members, you should let us all know how you view the politics of horse-trading, the capture of MLAs, and the toppling of elected governments through the prism of the moral compass of your organisation. Respected Mohan Bhagawat Ji, Your …

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A 21-day shutdown in India

The real heroes emerging out of the coronavirus situation are several state governments. Long before the central government plunged into action, many state governments had undertaken various preventive measures to halt the spread of the virus. The states of Kerala, Maharashtra, and Delhi need a special mention for their early efforts to curb the virus …

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Communal politics, the Delhi Riots, and the BJP

The BJP leadership, which is over-sensitive about the subject of election victories, and is fully aware of who delivers the ruling party its electoral dividends, obviously chose not to disappoint the perpetrators of violence. If violence could only be stopped after 96 hours, it is entirely possible for the union government to control it within …

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केंद्र सरकारने आणलेला ‘नागरिकत्व (दुरुस्ती) कायदा २०१९’ हा नकारात्मक, कुपमंडूक आणि मुस्लीम-द्वेषाचा प्रत्यय देणारा का ठरतो?

‘नागरिकत्व (दुरुस्ती) कायदा २०१९’ ची कोणत्याही परिस्थितीत अंमलबजावणी करण्यासंबंधीची वक्तव्ये केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री, अमित शहा आणि सत्तेतील इतर अनेक नेत्यांद्वारे देण्यात येत आहेत. दुसरीकडे, काही राज्यांनी या कायद्याला लागू न करण्याची भूमिका घेत राज्य विधानसभेत या संबंधी ठराव पारीत केले आहेत. नागरिकत्व हा पूर्णपणे केंद्र सरकारच्या अख्यत्यारीतील विषय असल्याने या संदर्भात राज्यांची स्वायत्तता कितपत आहे, हे …

केंद्र सरकारने आणलेला ‘नागरिकत्व (दुरुस्ती) कायदा २०१९’ हा नकारात्मक, कुपमंडूक आणि मुस्लीम-द्वेषाचा प्रत्यय देणारा का ठरतो? Read More »

Déjà vu in Mumbai’s Politics

Today, the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena is offering an alternative political platform to Shiv Sena’s Hindutva politics. But we need to see how long Raj Thackeray’s new theatrics last, and how much of an impact it will create in the state’s politics. It is a déjà vu moment in Maharashtra’s politics, particularly in Mumbai. Raj Thackeray, in a …

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CAA and NRC: Reading between the lines and the silence of the government

The CAA is certainly good for the 30,000 odd refugees whose citizenship otherwise would get delayed by a few more years. However, it discriminates based on religion, which will destroy the communal fabric of our country. The central government and its ideological followers attempted to club together CAA, NPR, and NRC in chronological order. Since it …

CAA and NRC: Reading between the lines and the silence of the government Read More »

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