
चीनने भारताची खोडी का काढली? | Parimal Maya Sudhakar | EP 2/2

भारताचं अमेरिकेच्या जवळ असणं हे चीनला नको आहे का? चीन नेपाळचा भारताविरुद्ध वापर करून घेतोय का? नेपाळ भारत संबंध का बिघडले? भारताच्या परराष्ट्र धोरणात चुका झाल्या आहेत का? तात्कालिक आणि दीर्घकालीन कोणते धोरण भारतने स्वीकारायला हवे? चीनला अद्दल घडवण्यासाठी चिनी वस्तू बॉयकॉट करणं हा मार्ग असू शकतो का? भारत चीन यांच्या आत्ताच्या वादावरून युद्ध होण्याची …

चीनने भारताची खोडी का काढली? | Parimal Maya Sudhakar | EP 2/2 Read More »

चीनने भारताची खोडी का काढली? | Parimal Maya Sudhakar | EP 1/2

त्या रात्री नक्की काय घडलं? हा पूर्वनियोजित हल्ला होता का? हे भारत आणि चीन मधील विवादित क्षेत्र (LAC – line of actual control) नक्की काय आहे? अचानक चीन विस्तारवाद करण्याच्या मागे का लागला असेल? चीनच्या महासत्तेला भारत आव्हान देतो आहे का? आंतरराष्ट्रीय धोरण विश्लेषक परिमल माया सुधाकर यांच्या मुलाखतीचा पहिला भाग.

Politicking for power and the power of politics

Amit Shah’s eye continues to be fixed on Maharashtra. But there are three reasons why the BJP is likely to allow the Uddhav Thackeray-led government to continue. Parimal Maya Sudhakar explains. Will he? Won’t he? Certainly, he will! BJP’s Mission Man and India’s powerful home minister, Amit Shah, will not stop trying until the Maharashtra …

Politicking for power and the power of politics Read More »

India on Gilgit-Baltistan: Posturing without Policy?

There is nothing about India’s policy on Jammu and Kashmir that would encourage anyone living in PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan to hope that New Delhi may offer them better terms than Pakistan does. 3 years and 9 months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reference to the ‘freedom struggle’ in Baluchistan from the rampart of the Red …

India on Gilgit-Baltistan: Posturing without Policy? Read More »

An Open Letter to the RSS Sarsanghchalak

Since your organisation is very proud of the moral training that is being imparted to its members, you should let us all know how you view the politics of horse-trading, the capture of MLAs, and the toppling of elected governments through the prism of the moral compass of your organisation. Respected Mohan Bhagawat Ji, Your …

An Open Letter to the RSS Sarsanghchalak Read More »

Viruses of irrationality and communalism

When the country is scared of the newly discovered coronavirus, many find themselves comfortably engulfed by the familiar viruses of irrationality and communalism. The immediate casualties are the unity of the people and the rule of law. A week is a long time in India. Last week, the country was concerned but determined to fight …

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A 21-day shutdown in India

The real heroes emerging out of the coronavirus situation are several state governments. Long before the central government plunged into action, many state governments had undertaken various preventive measures to halt the spread of the virus. The states of Kerala, Maharashtra, and Delhi need a special mention for their early efforts to curb the virus …

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