
भाष्य : चीनची ‘रेषा’ वर्चस्वाची

भारताच्या सीमेवरील चीनच्या कारवाया ‘कोविड-१९’च्या उद्रेकानंतरच्या त्याच्या व्यापक जागतिक व्यवहाराशी सुसंगत असल्या, तरी ‘कोविड’ नसता तरीही चीनने बहुधा ही खेळी खेळलीच असती. ‘कोविड’मुळे आपल्या सामर्थ्यात फरक पडलेला नाही, असा संदेश चीनला यातून शेजारी देशांना द्यायचा आहे. भारत आणि चीन दरम्यान लडाख क्षेत्रात निर्माण झालेला तणाव गंभीर स्वरूपाचा आहे. दोन्ही देशांदरम्यान संयुक्त सचिव, राजदूत आणि कोअर …

भाष्य : चीनची ‘रेषा’ वर्चस्वाची Read More »

Politicking for power and the power of politics

Amit Shah’s eye continues to be fixed on Maharashtra. But there are three reasons why the BJP is likely to allow the Uddhav Thackeray-led government to continue. Parimal Maya Sudhakar explains. Will he? Won’t he? Certainly, he will! BJP’s Mission Man and India’s powerful home minister, Amit Shah, will not stop trying until the Maharashtra …

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A long year and the deep desire for change

India is about to complete one full year of the second term of the Modi government. It has already felt like the longest political year of the present era. In September 2018, the Union Human Resource Development Ministry issued a circular that demanded that all education institutes must celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Indian …

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India on Gilgit-Baltistan: Posturing without Policy?

There is nothing about India’s policy on Jammu and Kashmir that would encourage anyone living in PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan to hope that New Delhi may offer them better terms than Pakistan does. 3 years and 9 months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reference to the ‘freedom struggle’ in Baluchistan from the rampart of the Red …

India on Gilgit-Baltistan: Posturing without Policy? Read More »

Contemplating the future of the post-COVID-19 world

The world has witnessed many defining moments since the end of the Second World War. Each of those moments constituted a complete break from the past and was indicative of the dawning of a new era. Today, we are living through yet another pivotal moment in the world. The COVID-19 outbreak has given rise to …

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May Day Musings on Migrants under Lockdown

The present policy of ‘lockdown without preparation’ generates a suspicion about the intent of the ruling class. Even as the question why, in the first place, the lockdown was announced without an iota of preparation, remains to be answered, the delay of one full month to come up with any substantial relief to the migrant …

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