
Farmers’ Resistance: Nemesis of Modi?

The government’s adamant insistence on the 3 farms bills signals an either-or situation. Either Modi has miscalculated the entire gamble or he wants to pit poor and marginal farmers against the middleclass and rich farmers. Everything works for Modi and nothing works against him. This has been the experience of Narendra Modi’s friends and foes …

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Conflating the freedom movement and the temple agitation

The freedom movement for Indian independence and a free India stood against the mighty British Empire and sounded the death knell for colonialism across the world. By comparing it to an agitation to build the Ram temple, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has devalued the freedom struggle. Mani Shankar Aiyar has asked of Congress leaders, “……rather …

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Viruses of irrationality and communalism

When the country is scared of the newly discovered coronavirus, many find themselves comfortably engulfed by the familiar viruses of irrationality and communalism. The immediate casualties are the unity of the people and the rule of law. A week is a long time in India. Last week, the country was concerned but determined to fight …

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Communal politics, the Delhi Riots, and the BJP

The BJP leadership, which is over-sensitive about the subject of election victories, and is fully aware of who delivers the ruling party its electoral dividends, obviously chose not to disappoint the perpetrators of violence. If violence could only be stopped after 96 hours, it is entirely possible for the union government to control it within …

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