
Invisible Hand in Anna Movement

The sequence of events since the Anna Hazare movement suggests a conspiratorial political roadmap. Was a movement spearheaded by India against Corruption during the UPA-II period created by the RSS? Were Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal propped up by the Hindutva mother-body? These are not new questions and the RSS itself would perhaps not fight …

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May Day Musings on Migrants under Lockdown

The present policy of ‘lockdown without preparation’ generates a suspicion about the intent of the ruling class. Even as the question why, in the first place, the lockdown was announced without an iota of preparation, remains to be answered, the delay of one full month to come up with any substantial relief to the migrant …

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Making sense of the Maharashtra mandate

The NCP has made a strong comeback in Pune district while denting the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance in Nashik district. The message from these verdicts is loud and clear – Prime Minister Modi’s speeches are no longer a game-changer. Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted 9 election rallies in Maharashtra. All the locations were carefully chosen with …

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The way Maharashtra is set to vote

  The recently conducted state-wide opinion poll by MIT School of Government (MITSOG), Pune has predicted a landslide victory for the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance in the state. When the writing on the wall is clear, the opinion polls during the election season hardly matter. They could make the prospective winners complacent and further demoralise the …

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