
जेएनयुवरील हल्ल्याआधीची आणि नंतरची क्रोनोलॉजी

उणे-पुरे १० हजारापेक्षा कमी विद्यार्थी आणि त्याहून कितीतरी कमी शिक्षक असलेल्या जवाहरलाल नेहरू विद्यापीठावर अखेर मोदी सरकारचा व सदा-सर्वदा या सरकारच्या सेवेत तत्पर असलेल्या राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघाचा एवढा राग तरी का आहे? भारताच्या पहिल्या पंतप्रधानांच्या नावाने हे विद्यापीठ उभे आहे, असले पोरकट कारण यामागे निश्चितच नाही. मात्र नेहरूंना अपेक्षित असलेला सर्वसमावेशक भारत या विद्यापीठात नांदतो, …

जेएनयुवरील हल्ल्याआधीची आणि नंतरची क्रोनोलॉजी Read More »

भविष्यातील भारत ‘भगव्या राष्ट्रवादा’वर आधारित असेल की, ‘सर्वसमावेशक राज्यघटना आधारित राष्ट्रवादा’वर उभारलेला असेल, याची लढाई २०२० मध्ये लढली जाणार आहे!

सरलेल्या वर्षात, म्हणजे २०१९ मध्ये, राजकारणाचे एक वर्तुळ पूर्ण झाले आहे. एक वर्षापूर्वी ज्या प्रकारची परिस्थिती देशात होती, जवळपास तशीच परिस्थिती २०२०मध्ये प्रवेश करताना आहे. फरक एवढाच आहे की, यंदा लोकसभेच्या निवडणुका होऊ घातलेल्या नाहीत. २०१९च्या एप्रिल-मे महिन्यात पार पडलेल्या लोकसभा निवडणुकीने देश उजव्या विचारसरणीच्या दिशेने ठामपणे झुकला असल्याच्या वस्तुस्थितीवर शिक्कामोर्तब झाले. मात्र, उजव्या बहुसंख्याकवादी …

भविष्यातील भारत ‘भगव्या राष्ट्रवादा’वर आधारित असेल की, ‘सर्वसमावेशक राज्यघटना आधारित राष्ट्रवादा’वर उभारलेला असेल, याची लढाई २०२० मध्ये लढली जाणार आहे! Read More »

NRC & CAB (2019): Hypocrisy Abounds

    In Indian democracy, the legitimacy of any government lasts 5 years. The citizenship is permanent, unless an individual surrenders it! Submitting to the whims of the government of the day on such a fundamental issue will overturn the state-citizens relations in India. Uncaring for perpetuating economic distress, the Narendra Modi government is busy …

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Oppression is Your Privilege, Protest is Our Right

Celebration of diversity, including religious diversity, is considered essential to unity and integrity.  Not only the elite but the disadvantaged from diverse religious, social, regional, linguistic and gender backgrounds are torch-bearers of idea and India in JNU. The fee hike is an assault on the opportunity for this diversity to come together and strengthen itself …

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Notes from the Maharashtra elections

The biggest political story in Maharashtra, after the Lok Sabha election, is that there is no big story unless the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Shiv Sena decide to contest the elections separately. Initial ground reports from poll-bound Maharashtra run along the expected lines. There is no emerging political plot in the state but mere …

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The Modi government’s foreign policy challenges

PM Modi’s foreign policy agenda in his second term contrasts starkly with his first. The Modi government’s foreign policy agenda is emerging clearer in the third month of the second term. The offensive against Pakistan, soft posturing in the neighborhood, a nuanced position concerning China, and a recalibration of relations with the United States seem …

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Making sense and non-sense of Modi’s Kashmir policy

It will take its own time and huge toll in the form of life and expenses before Indians outside Kashmir will realise the sheer hollowness in the Modi government’s policy as far as integration of Kashmir with Indian Union is concerned. In the year 2004, the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government unexpectedly lost a bid to …

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For the Congress to survive, the old guard has to go

The Congress’ very future is at stake. If the party is serious about resurrecting itself, it has to summarily axe the old-timers. There is no time to waste The Indian National Congress’ manifesto for the 2019 election was titled ‘We Will Deliver’. Today, it’s more a question of “’Who Will Deliver’ for the Congress party?”. …

For the Congress to survive, the old guard has to go Read More »

Fadnavis, The New Power in Maharashtra’s Politics

For Maharashtra, it is a historic moment to proclaim that Pawar’s politics is dead, long live Pawar’s politics! The last session of the Maharashtra assembly under the stewardship of Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis is almost over now. Mr Fadanvis, a flamboyant RSS worker, is going to be the second person in Maharashtra’s political history to …

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